Rheinmetall Defence’s Simulation and Training division's broad spectrum of simulation competencies were exhibited at I/ITSEC 2011.
On display at I/ITSEC 2011 is Rheinmetall’s ANTares modular tactical training system, designed to meet the exacting needs of the military for joint and combined training, ANTares provides fully networked and interoperable air, land and maritime weapon platform simulators in a realistic, high-intensity virtual combat training environment.
Furthermore, Rheinmetall Defence's state-of-the-art live training products, including advanced MOUT training technologies was showcased. Orders have recently been placed for two such live training systems, with one going to Russia and another to the Middle East.
Future naval operational team training must continue to take place in a comprehensively networked Fleet Synthetic Training (FST) environment, that is why the company exhibited its Advanced Naval Synthetic Environment (ANSE).
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- MILITARY TECHNOLOGY (MILTECH) is the world's leading international tri-service defence monthly magazine in the English language. MILITARY TECHNOLOGY is "Required Reading for Defence Professionals". Follow us on Twitter: MILTECH1

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